Final Fantasy XIV: Botanist – Gathering Log: Harvesting Log

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I Gathering Logs vengono forniti ai Disciples of the Land per monitorare i progressi nella raccolta di vari oggetti. I gatherers riceveranno un piccolo bonus quando raccolgono un nuovo oggetto per la prima volta e, per quanto non ci siano bonus diretti per il completamento dei vari log, la raccolta di una gran varietà di oggetti sbloccherà obiettivi con ricompense.

L’harvesting prevede che il vostro personaggio interagisca con i Lush vegetation patches, contrassegnati con un’icona azzurra sulla vostra mappa. Potrete sbloccare questa abilità a partire dal livello 11 ed equipaggiando lo strumento secondario (Off-hand) Scythe. L’abilità Triangulate vi aiuterà ad individuare i nodi di raccolta, assieme ad Arbor Call che vi segnalerà con un’icona lampeggiante sulla mappa il nodo più prossimo. In questa sezione troverete informazioni utili (sotto forma di tabelle) circa tutti gli oggetti che compongono l’Harvesting Log del Botanist in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Le varie tabelle, suddivise in base al livello del nodo, mettono in luce le peculiarità di ogni singolo oggetto e mostrano per ognuno di esse le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • Icona: mostra l’icona di gioco associata all’oggetto nel nodo.
  • Nome: visualizza il nome dell’oggetto che si può raccogliere; facendo clic sul nome dell’oggetto è possibile aprire una scheda approfondita (sul sito che enuncia le coordinate e il luogo esatto in cui è possibile raccoglierlo, assieme a tutti gli altri possibili metodi di acquisizione.
  • Livello: indica il livello dell’oggetto esaminato.
  • Descrizione in game: Mostra l’esatta descrizione che compare in game quando si esamina l’oggetto in questione (talvolta seguita da alcune annotazioni). 

Per consultare al meglio la tabella e ricercare subito l’oggetto che v’interessa, vi suggeriamo di utilizzare l’apposita funzione “Cerca” (CTRL + F) del vostro browser (se navigate da desktop) e di digitare nella casella che apparirà il nome dell’oggetto che state cercando. Di seguito l’indice di raggruppamento:

Harvesting Log: Livelli 0-9
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Earth Shard Icon.png Earth Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric earth energy.
Earthlight Seeds Icon.png Earthlight Seeds 1 Earthlight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Fire Shard Icon.png Fire Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric fire energy.
Firelight Seeds Icon.png Firelight Seeds 1 Firelight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Ice Shard Icon.png Ice Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric ice energy.
Icelight Seeds Icon.png Icelight Seeds 1 Icelight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Levinlight Seeds Icon.png Levinlight Seeds 1 Levinlight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Lightning Shard Icon.png Lightning Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric lightning energy.
Water Shard Icon.png Water Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric water energy.
Waterlight Seeds Icon.png Waterlight Seeds 1 Waterlight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Wind Shard Icon.png Wind Shard 1 A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric wind energy.
Windlight Seeds Icon.png Windlight Seeds 1 Windlight shrub seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Coerthan Carrot Seeds Icon.png Coerthan Carrot Seeds 13 Coerthan carrot seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 10-19
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Moko Grass Icon.png Moko Grass 1 A common grass found growing throughout Aldenard. From its stalks, hempen yarn is created.
Rye Icon.png Rye 2 A dark variety of rye grass commonly found growing in the higher elevations of Mor Dhona and Coerthas.
Lowland Grapes Icon.png Lowland Grapes 3 A semisweet variety of grape which has adapted to the volcanic soil abundant on Vylbrand.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Sunset Wheat Icon.png Sunset Wheat 4 A common variety of golden-brown wheat eaten as a staple in many of Eorzea’s city-states.
Tree Toad Icon.png Tree Toad 5 A giant green toad found in nearly all of the lakes and swamps of Aldenard.
Garlean Garlic Icon.png Garlean Garlic 5 A pungent spice used to flavor many different varieties of dishes. It is also thought to ward off vampiric bats, but there is no evidence to substantiate that claim.
Grass Viper Icon.png Grass Viper 5 A deadly snake common in grasslands across Eorzea. Its venom is known to contain a potent bleeding poison.
Wild Onion Icon.png Wild Onion 5 A pungent bulb vegetable native to the Near East.
Chanterelle Icon.png Chanterelle 7 An edible mushroom known for its leaf-like appearance as well as its fruit-like fragrance.
Yellow Ginseng Icon.png Yellow Ginseng 8 A Far Eastern root used in various medicines.
Buffalo Beans Icon.png Buffalo Beans 8 A common variety of green bean recognizable by its long thin pods. Buffalo are said to be fond of the beans, and have been known to eat entire crops if left unchecked.
Humus Icon.png Humus 9 Nutrient-rich soil consisting of decaying leaves.
Coerthan Carrot Icon.png Coerthan Carrot 9 A long orange root vegetable commonly grown in the rocky alpine soil of the Coerthas region.
Galago Mint Icon.png Galago Mint 10 A leafy herb with a crisp, fragrant aroma. It is often used in cooking and in teas, as well as for its essential oil.
Ogre Pumpkin Icon.png Ogre Pumpkin 10 A bright-orange squash which sweetens in flavor when cooked.
Straw Icon.png Straw 11 Earless stalks of wheat.
Cinderfoot Olive Icon.png Cinderfoot Olive 11 The seed of an olive tree, often preserved in brine or pressed to make oil.
Garlic Cloves Icon.png Garlic Cloves 11 Garlic cloves suitable for garden cultivation.
Ruby Tomato Icon.png Ruby Tomato 11 Though many botanists claim this tangy blood red specimen is more closely related to a fruit than a vegetable, it is widely accepted across Eorzea as the latter.
Paprika Seeds Icon.png Paprika Seeds 11 Paprika seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Lavender Icon.png Lavender 11 A fragrant purple flower found growing in coastal areas throughout Aldenard.
Lowland Grape Seeds Icon.png Lowland Grape Seeds 11 Lowland grape seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Carnation Icon.png Carnation 12 A beautiful red flower often planted in public gardens or picked and put on display in houses. Large plantations of carnations can be found in and around Gridania.
Wild Onion Set Icon.png Wild Onion Set 12 A wild onion set suitable for garden cultivation.
Lavender Seeds Icon.png Lavender Seeds 12 Lavender seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Black Pepper Icon.png Black Pepper 12 An aromatic spice used in cooking as well as pickling.
Cotton Boll Icon.png Cotton Boll 12 The fibrous flower of the cotton plant. Grown in abundance in the Black Shroud for Gridania’s textile industry.
Olive Seeds Icon.png Olive Seeds 13 Olive seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Alpine Parsnip Icon.png Alpine Parsnip 13 A long white root vegetable indigenous to the mountainous region of Coerthas.
La Noscean Lettuce Icon.png La Noscean Lettuce 13 A crisp leafy vegetable native to the plains of La Noscea.
Cieldalaes Spinach Icon.png Cieldalaes Spinach 13 An iron-rich leafy vegetable native to the Cieldalaes.
La Noscean Lettuce Seeds Icon.png La Noscean Lettuce Seeds 13 La Noscean lettuce seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Highland Parsley Icon.png Highland Parsley 14 Oft used as a garnish in other dishes, this pungent vegetable grows in abundance in the mountainous region of upper La Noscea.
Black Pepper Seeds Icon.png Black Pepper Seeds 14 Black pepper seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Marjoram Icon.png Marjoram 15 A sweet-smelling herb used in cooking and in medicines.
Paprika Icon.png Paprika 15 A pepper which can be dried and ground to make a mild red spice. It is often used in medicines, as well as in cooking.
Lalafellin Lentil Icon.png Lalafellin Lentil 16 Thin round beans resembling tiny convex lenses. Thought to have been introduced to Eorzea by the realm’s first Lalafellin settlers.
Belladonna Icon.png Belladonna 18 A beautiful flower common in Aldenard from which a potent sleeping poison can be extracted.
Popoto Icon.png Popoto 18 A starchy tuberous vegetable originally introduced to Eorzea by explorers from the distant western continent.
Popoto Set Icon.png Popoto Set 18 A popoto set suitable for garden cultivation.
Gil Bun Icon.png Gil Bun 19 This tiny round mushroom has a cap which resembles a coin, and is known for its rich flavor and pungent aroma.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Hemp Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Hemp 20 One can only hope that whatever purpose the skybuilders have in mind for this hardy plant was worth depriving some herbivorous creature of its leafy goodness.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Flax Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Flax 40 Included in a surprising number of recipes and concoctions despite its only notable property being “it smells nice.”
Harvesting Log: Livelli 20-29
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Millioncorn Icon.png Millioncorn 16 Hundreds of sweet yellow kernels adorn each cob of this vegetable native to the recently discovered New World.
Island Seedling Icon.png Island Seedling 20 A seedling that grows in the wilderness of Vylbrand.
White Scorpion Icon.png White Scorpion 20 A rare albino scorpion, thought to be an ill omen by the early Dunesfolk tribes.
Shroud Seedling Icon.png Shroud Seedling 20 A seedling that grows in the wilderness of the Black Shroud.
Desert Seedling Icon.png Desert Seedling 20 A seedling that grows in the wilderness of Thanalan.
Pixie Plums Icon.png Pixie Plums 21 A tart fruit commonly grown in mountain orchards in the Coerthas region.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Pixie Plum Seeds Icon.png Pixie Plum Seeds 21 Pixie plum seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Noble Grapes Icon.png Noble Grapes 21 Lowland grapes crossbred over generations to produce maximum sweetness. Their bitter skin makes them unsuitable for eating off the vine, and they are better consumed as juice or wine.
Ala Mhigan Mustard Icon.png Ala Mhigan Mustard 22 When dried and ground into a fine powder, this yellow-tinged spice can add quite the kick to any dish.
Button Mushroom Icon.png Button Mushroom 22 A small white mushroom commonly found in moist areas across Eorzea.
Ala Mhigan Mustard Seeds Icon.png Ala Mhigan Mustard Seeds 23 Ala Mhigan mustard seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Pearl Ginger Root Icon.png Pearl Ginger Root 24 A pearl ginger root suitable for garden cultivation.
Chamomile Seeds Icon.png Chamomile Seeds 24 Chamomile seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Chamomile Icon.png Chamomile 24 A fragrant yellow flower found growing throughout Vylbrand.
Pearl Ginger Icon.png Pearl Ginger 24 An exotic root vegetable native to the Far East that is often dried, ground, and used in cooking as well as in the creation of medicines.
Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric wind energy.
Water Crystal Icon.png Water Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric water energy.
Sticky Rice Icon.png Sticky Rice 25 This grain is imported from a land far to the east. When cooked, it has a consistency slightly more glutinous than normal rice.
Ice Crystal Icon.png Ice Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric ice energy.
Earth Crystal Icon.png Earth Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric earth energy.
Fire Crystal Icon.png Fire Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric fire energy.
Millioncorn Seeds Icon.png Millioncorn Seeds 25 Millioncorn kernels suitable for garden cultivation.
Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal 25 A crystalline manifestation of aetheric lightning energy.
Jade Peas Icon.png Jade Peas 26 Sweet green beans recognizable by their thin, crescent-shaped pods.
Midland Cabbage Icon.png Midland Cabbage 27 A round leafy vegetable which prefers the steady climate of the Black Shroud.
Wizard Eggplant Icon.png Wizard Eggplant 27 A firm purple-skinned vegetable indigenous to the mountains of the Near East. A common wives’ tale claims if you eat too many of this vegetable, you will turn into one.
Wizard Eggplant Seeds Icon.png Wizard Eggplant Seeds 27 Wizard eggplant seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Midland Cabbage Seeds Icon.png Midland Cabbage Seeds 28 Midland cabbage seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 30-39
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Yafaem Wildgrass Icon.png Yafaem Wildgrass 30 After gysahl greens, there’s no other verdure a race chocobo would rather sink its beak into.
Moor Leech Icon.png Moor Leech 30 A bloodsucking leech. Used by barbers, chirurgeons, and chymists alike to drain the tainted humours from an ill patient.
Linseed Icon.png Linseed 31 Linseed suitable for garden cultivation.
Mandrake Icon.png Mandrake 31 The man-shaped root of a wild plant commonly found growing on Vylbrand.
Aloe Icon.png Aloe 31 A thick spiny-leaved cactus indigenous to the southern continent of Meracydia. The Miqo’te are known to treat severe burns with the cool gel-like substance found inside the leaves.
Midland Basil Seeds Icon.png Midland Basil Seeds 32 Midland basil seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Midland Basil Icon.png Midland Basil 32 A fragrant herb used to flavor various meat and poultry dishes.
Blood Currants Icon.png Blood Currants 32 A tart red berry found growing throughout the Black Shroud.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Flax Icon.png Flax 32 Commonly growing in the highlands of Coerthas, the stalk of this fibrous plant is used to create a linen yarn.
White Truffle Icon.png White Truffle 33 A rare white mushroom that grows in the soil, rather than above it, making the specimen almost impossible to locate. It is treasured as a delicacy for its unique aroma.
Mandrake Seeds Icon.png Mandrake Seeds 33 Mandrake seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Salt Leek Icon.png Salt Leek 34 A long, pungent, leafy vegetable that lacks a bulb like that of its cousin, the onion.
Bloodgrass Icon.png Bloodgrass 35 A bundle of dried bloodgrass stalks for use in thatching.
Laurel Icon.png Laurel 35 A savory spice made from the dried leaves of the laurel bush, or as it is known by some, the yanny bush.
Wildfowl Feather Icon.png Wildfowl Feather 35 The short brown tailfeather of a wildfowl.
Dragon Pepper Icon.png Dragon Pepper 35 A red-hot spice known to cause severe burns in the mouths of those who consume too many.
Blood Currant Seeds Icon.png Blood Currant Seeds 36 Blood currant seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Ramhorn Zucchini Icon.png Ramhorn Zucchini 37 This long, thin variety of squash earns its name from its resemblance to the horn of a mountain ram.
Maiden Artichoke Icon.png Maiden Artichoke 38 The leaf-like bud of an artichoke plant. Due to the roughness of its petals, only the fleshy lower portions can be consumed, as well as the center of the bud, commonly known as the “heart.”
Mugwort Icon.png Mugwort 38 The young leaves of the mugwort plant are used not only as a spice in cooking, but also as a curative agent in various unguents.
Desert Saffron Icon.png Desert Saffron 40 This spice made from the dried styles of the desert saffron flower gives a bright-yellow color to dishes.
Thyme Icon.png Thyme 40 A fragrant herb used to flavor various meat and poultry dishes.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 40-49
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Timeworn Leather Map Icon.png Timeworn Leather Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn leather map.
*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 40 recommended.
Timeworn Goatskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Goatskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn goatskin map.
*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 45 recommended.
Sagolii Sage Icon.png Sagolii Sage 41 A savory herb often found growing in parched desert environments. It is used in cooking and various medicinal ointments and unguents.
Black Scorpion Icon.png Black Scorpion 42 A deadly desert vilekin from whose venom can be extracted a potent paralyzing poison.
Rolanberry Icon.png Rolanberry 43 A tart fruit, one of few still found growing in the devastated region of Mor Dhona.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Rolanberry Seeds Icon.png Rolanberry Seeds 43 Rolanberry seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Dart Frog Icon.png Dart Frog 45 This tiny frog found in the swamps and lakes of the Black Shroud secretes a powerful poison known to induce paralysis.
Thanalan Tea Leaves Icon.png Thanalan Tea Leaves 49 These leaves, when dried and steeped in hot water, create a sweet-smelling tea known for its curative properties.
Lava Toad Icon.png Lava Toad 50 This giant red toad, native to the swamps of Vylbrand but now found throughout Aldenard, earns its name from the red firerock which once spewed forth from the now-dormant volcano, O’Ghomoro.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 50-59
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Timeworn Toadskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Toadskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn toadskin map.
*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 50 recommended.
Timeworn Archaeoskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Archaeoskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn archaeoskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 55 recommended.

Timeworn Peisteskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Peisteskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn peisteskin map.
*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 50 full party (eight players) recommended.
Timeworn Boarskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Boarskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn boarskin map.
*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 50 recommended.
Maiden Grass Icon.png Maiden Grass 50 A bundle of dried maiden grass stalks for use in thatching.
Ice Cluster Icon.png Ice Cluster 50 A large crystalline manifestation of aetheric ice energy.
Wind Cluster Icon.png Wind Cluster 50 A large crystalline manifestation of aetheric wind energy.
Earth Cluster Icon.png Earth Cluster 50 A large crystalline manifestation of aetheric earth energy.
Rainbow Cotton Boll Icon.png Rainbow Cotton Boll 115 A rare variety of cotton which produces fibers that change color depending on the angle at which light strikes them.
Mist Dill Icon.png Mist Dill 125 A fragrant herb characterized by its thin leaves. It is used in both medicines and culinary dishes.
Pearl Sprouts Icon.png Pearl Sprouts 125 Tiny cabbage-like vegetables native to the highlands of Coerthas.
Pearl Sprout Seeds Icon.png Pearl Sprout Seeds 125 Pearl sprout seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Coerthan Tea Leaves Icon.png Coerthan Tea Leaves 125 Considerably smaller than Thanalan tea leaves, more than double the amount of Ishgardian tea leaves are required to brew a single cup of tea.
Coerthan Tea Seeds Icon.png Coerthan Tea Seeds 125 Coerthan tea seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Cyclops Onion Icon.png Cyclops Onion 130 A giant yellow onion often found growing on Abalathia’s Spine.
Highland Wheat Icon.png Highland Wheat 130 A variety of dark-colored wheat suited to the rocky soil, shorter days, and colder temperatures of the Coerthas highlands.
Stalk of Ramie Icon.png Stalk of Ramie 136 A variety of swift-growing grass native to the Near East. The stalks can be dried and processed into thin threads which, when spun together, can be woven into a cloth not unlike hemp.
Magma Beet Icon.png Magma Beet 136 A sweet, easy-to-grow tuber native to Abalathia’s Spine, these deep-red beets are a staple in Ishgardian culinary culture.
Chives Icon.png Chives 136 A thin green onion used in many Ishgardian dishes.
Emerald Beans Icon.png Emerald Beans 136 A deep-green legume recently discovered growing on the floating islets above the Sea of Clouds.
Granular Clay Icon.png Granular Clay 139 Crumbly balls of reddish clay added to soil to improve both moisture retention and drainage.
Highland Oregano Icon.png Highland Oregano 139 Due to its higher oil content, highland oregano is preferred over other breeds of oregano by apothecaries and perfumeries across Eorzea.
Coneflower Icon.png Coneflower 139 Brought back from the New World in the west, this plant bearing large, horn-shaped flowers has been recently discovered to be effective in curing several different ailments.
Steppe Vine Icon.png Steppe Vine 142 A pliable vine collected in the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Verdant Branch Icon.png Verdant Branch 142 The branch of a flowering evergreen tree.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Safflowers Icon.png Steppe Safflowers 142 A brightly colored flower that blooms across the Azim Steppe. Best known as a versatile dye that can produce red, yellow, or even purple hues.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Steppe Rattan Lumber Icon.png Steppe Rattan Lumber 142 Even a single piece of this lumber should serve to make a fair few Namazu uchiwa.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Sesame Seeds Icon.png Sesame Seeds 142 A tiny seed rich in aromatic oil, sesame is native to Meracydia, and thought to have first been brought to Eorzea by migrating Miqo’te.
Azim Strawberry Icon.png Azim Strawberry 142 A small, blood red fruit.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Cow Bitter Icon.png Cow Bitter 142 This sweet-smelling perennial can be found growing in all of the Three Great Continents.
Dated Radz-at-Han Coin Icon.png Dated Radz-at-Han Coin 142 Currency once used on the Near Eastern island of Thavnair, now only sought by numismatists and historians.
Dry Branch Icon.png Dry Branch 142 Seasoned to perfection, this brittle twig gathered on the Azim Steppe is certain to burn quick and hot.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Peat Moss Icon.png Peat Moss 145 Soil created by thousands of years of decaying flora gathering on the bottom of marshes.
Ice Stalagmite Icon.png Ice Stalagmite 145 Ice stalactites hold on tight to the ceiling of a cave. This is not an ice stalactite.
Edible Bud Icon.png Edible Bud 145 A plant bud that, despite having been plucked somewhat at random in the Azim Steppe, is both safe and pleasant to eat.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Fava Beans Icon.png Fava Beans 145 A large green legume harvested from the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Onion Icon.png Steppe Onion 145 A common and easily recognizable vegetable found growing wild on the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Candyfruit Icon.png Steppe Candyfruit 145 Do not let its unusual coloring fool you, this steppe delicacy is worth the effort finding one.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Furymint Icon.png Furymint 145 Named after the spear-like shape of its leaves, this variety of mint has a cooler, less biting flavor than its darker-leaved cousin peppermint.
Grazing Grass Icon.png Grazing Grass 145 A bag of the lush grass upon which Azim Steppe dzo are wont to graze.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Scarlet Flax Icon.png Scarlet Flax 145 A variety of flax that when dried, turns a deep red.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Rue Icon.png Rue 145 A low-growing shrub recognizable by its tiny yellow flowers and faint odor. The leaves contain a mild irritant that, when rubbed against the skin, may cause minor reddening and swelling.
Yol Feather Icon.png Yol Feather 145 A colorful feather once belonging to a proud yol.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Radish Icon.png Steppe Radish 148 An Azim Steppe root vegetable known for its unforgiving bite.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Fragrant Steppe Herb Icon.png Fragrant Steppe Herb 148 This variety of steppe herb is so fragrant that its scent can travel more than a malm, potentially attracting uninvited guests to the homes of hapless cooks.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Tea Leaves Icon.png Steppe Tea Leaves 148 Tannin-rich tea leaves sourced from the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Wildgrass Icon.png Steppe Wildgrass 148 Wind-kissed wildgrass smooth enough for weaving.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Duskfall Moss Icon.png Duskfall Moss 148 Infusions made with this hardy brown-black foliage are believed to restore vigor.
Dandelion Icon.png Dandelion 148 This common flower produces a globe of lightweight seeds that are carried remarkable distances when blown in the wind. While the stalk is filled with a toxic milky substance, the leaves and roots can be dried and brewed into medicinal infusions.
Coriander Icon.png Coriander 148 A highly fragrant herb. The leaves can be harvested and used in salads, or the plant can be allowed to bolt and the seeds gathered and used to spice ale.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 60-69
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Kidragora Icon.png Kidragora   Even in space, everyone can hear this seedkin scream.
Timeworn Wyvernskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Wyvernskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn wyvernskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 60 recommended.

Timeworn Dragonskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Dragonskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn dragonskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 60 full party (eight players) recommended.

Black Truffle Icon.png Black Truffle 50 A rare black mushroom that grows in the soil, rather than above it, making the specimen almost impossible to locate. It is treasured as a delicacy for its unique aroma.
Honey Lemon Seeds Icon.png Honey Lemon Seeds 51 Honey lemon seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Dzemael Tomato Seeds Icon.png Dzemael Tomato Seeds 51 Dzemael tomato seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Trillium Icon.png Trillium 55 A beautiful, white, tripetaloid flower.
Trillium Bulb Icon.png Trillium Bulb 55 If planted and tended with loving care, this bulb should grow into a lovely trillium plant.
Silkworm Cocoon Icon.png Silkworm Cocoon 55 The lightweight cocoon of the elusive silkworm.
Dzemael Tomato Icon.png Dzemael Tomato 70 A rare crossbreed of ruby tomato developed and perfected by House Dzemael botanists.
Mazlaya Greens Icon.png Mazlaya Greens 70 Once found growing all across the island of Mazlaya, this bright-green plant was almost completely wiped out when chocobos brought to the island by farmers devoured nearly every one they could find.
Unaspected Crystal Icon.png Unaspected Crystal 70 For reasons unknown to you, this crystal has completely lost its elemental charge.
Honey Lemon Icon.png Honey Lemon 70 This rare type of lemon native to the continent of Othard is so sweet, it can be eaten raw.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Granular Clay Icon.png Granular Clay 139 Crumbly balls of reddish clay added to soil to improve both moisture retention and drainage.
Peat Moss Icon.png Peat Moss 145 Soil created by thousands of years of decaying flora gathering on the bottom of marshes.
Steppe Hay Icon.png Steppe Hay 148 A heaping helping of hay wholly for horses.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Periwinkle Icon.png Periwinkle 150 A mildly poisonous flower found across the Three Great Continents.
Shishu Koban Icon.png Shishu Koban 150 This oblong gold coin once saw heavy circulation throughout Hingashi and the eastern provinces of Othard.
Starcrack Sand Icon.png Starcrack Sand 150 A metallic sand which simpleminded smallfolk believe contains pieces of the very comet Rhalgr tore from the heavens.
Steppe Flatweed Icon.png Steppe Flatweed 150 An edible yellow flower that bears a close visual resemblance to the dandelion.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Steppe Sedge Icon.png Steppe Sedge 150 A perennial that proliferates through the grasslands of the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Straight Shoot Icon.png Straight Shoot 150 This thick stem is sturdy enough to be whittled into an arrow that will fly true.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Sturdy Vine Icon.png Sturdy Vine 150 A durable vine harvested on the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Ripe Steppe Fruit Icon.png Ripe Steppe Fruit 150 This fruit’s bright orange color speaks to its ripeness…if it is indeed the type of fruit that turns orange when ripe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Odd Herb Icon.png Odd Herb 150 Both the nature and utility of this peculiar herb are impossible to imagine.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Grade 2 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Tea Leaves 150 For Ishgardians, discussing the virtues of various blends of tea is almost as much of a pastime as actually drinking the stuff. This fine selection of choice leaves could be placed in the center of a table to serve to facilitate stimulating conversation, while the skybuilders continue to labor away in the bitter cold outside.
Chysahl Greens Icon.png Chysahl Greens 150 Though nearly identical in shape and color to gysahl greens, chysahl greens have a deeper, earthier flavor that chocobos (and man) seem to prefer.
Fibrous Melon Icon.png Fibrous Melon 150 A tough-looking specimen harvested from near Mol Iloh.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Fragrant Steppe Wildgrass Icon.png Fragrant Steppe Wildgrass 150 Unusually fragrant wildgrass, rare even on the Azim Steppe.

*Only for use in Namazu beast tribe quests.

Gaelicatnip Icon.png Gaelicatnip 150 A relative to pepper- and spearmint, gaelicatnip is an aromatic herb often brewed into teas. While it has no effect on the five races, the oil contained in the leaves is known to cause gaelicats and other normally aggressive feline beastkin to exhibit excessively playful behavior.
Clary Sage Icon.png Clary Sage 150 A fragrant herb used in medicines, perfumes, and cooking.
Cotter Dynasty Relic Icon.png Cotter Dynasty Relic 150 A lavishly decorated ornament dated to the rule of Gyr Abanian king Cotter.
Glass Eye Icon.png Glass Eye 150 A small bead of naturally formed glass that could pass off as an eye, if viewed from thirty paces…in the fog.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Straw Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Straw 150 In some parts of Eorzea, straw is used to weave hats with wide peaks to keep the sun from the wearer’s eyes. Fortunately*or perhaps unfortunately*for Ishgardians, there is seldom enough sunlight to warrant such headwear, and the vicious winds would prevent the owner from remaining behatted for more than a few scant moments.
Black Soil Icon.png Black Soil 150 This rich, dark soil receives its color from a high concentration of organic matter.
Lover's Laurel Icon.png Lover’s Laurel 200 A highly fragrant variety of laurel named for the goddess of the moon, Menphina.
Pinch of Active Ingredients Icon.png Pinch of Active Ingredients 205 Minerals that serve as the active ingredients in various Gyr Abanian remedies.
Harpoon Head Icon.png Harpoon Head 210 A sharp and sturdy harpoon head, well suited to shark stabbing.
Phial of Thermal Fluid Icon.png Phial of Thermal Fluid 215 This liquid can be applied, to great effect, as insulation.
Shisui Jewel Icon.png Shisui Jewel 220 A rare gem from beneath the waves of the Ruby Sea.
Cloudkin Feather Icon.png Cloudkin Feather 225 This feather could easily have come from one of any number of cloudkin.
Strong Steppe Spice Icon.png Strong Steppe Spice 230 This spice is so potent as to often go unused on the Azim Steppe itself, but after overhearing a patron state that buuz “tastes like wet sheep,” Adkiragh was inspired to add it to create a flavor more palatable to non-Xaela.
Splendid Water Ivy Icon.png Splendid Water Ivy 260 This length of ivy is splendid for adding a touch of home to the Stopple.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Silkworm Icon.png Splendid Silkworm 260 Succulent and nourishing, this silkworm will have any Qitari exclaiming “Splendid!”

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Seeds Icon.png Splendid Seeds 260 The oil extracted from these seeds burns splendidly in lamps.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Lavender Icon.png Splendid Lavender 260 Bold yet soothing, the splendid scent of this herb helps the Qitari to navigate in the dark*while presumably keeping them relaxed.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Ancient Amber Icon.png Ancient Amber 260 This resin harvested from a primeval tree glows faintly with an otherworldly light.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Flax Icon.png Splendid Flax 260 This fibrous plant makes splendidly sturdy rope.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Wild Berries Icon.png Splendid Wild Berries 260 Fairly bursting with juice, these berries make a truly splendid treat.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Buckwheat Kernels Icon.png Buckwheat Kernels 265 A nutty grain that can be substituted for flour in breads and noodles. Found across the Three Great Continents, but grown in abundance in the heart of Gyr Abania.
Mountain Popoto Icon.png Mountain Popoto 265 Crisp mountain popotoes contain high quantities of starch that create a viscous paste when the tubers are ground. This paste can be eaten raw, fried into cakes, or added to stews for thickening.
Gem Algae Icon.png Gem Algae 265 A variety of algae found in the Ruby Sea, commonly harvested for its salt.
Ruby Cotton Boll Icon.png Ruby Cotton Boll 265 The fibrous flower of a rare cotton plant that only grows under the Ruby Sea. As such, Eorzean scholars insist that the flora is in no way related to normal cotton, and is instead a unique variety of sea kelp.
Holy Basil Icon.png Holy Basil 270 An herb with an aroma so heavenly, it will cleanse both your soul and your palate of ill flavors (or so say merchants who would see you buy their stock).
Wild Popoto Icon.png Wild Popoto 270 Allowed to grow unchecked in the wild, it only took a matter of generations for this transplant from the New World to become decidedly different than its farm-grown cousins.
Green Leek Icon.png Green Leek 273 Similar to green onions in flavor, the leeks of Gyr Abania are several times thicker, and far more piquant.
Ama Nori Icon.png Ama Nori 273 This edible seaweed can be consumed raw, or dried into paper-like squares and wrapped around sticky rice.
Sugar Beet Icon.png Sugar Beet 273 These tubers can be several times sweeter than most fruit, and as such are commonly processed into sugar for sweetening cakes and other confections.
Soybeans Icon.png Soybeans 273 These emerald legumes grow two to three beans per pod on stout bushes that are ready for harvest in the early fall. The beans are most often pressed into the milk which is used to make tofu, or fermented into various savory pastes and sauces.
Kudzu Vine Icon.png Kudzu Vine 273 If allowed to grow unchecked, a single kudzu plant can cover an acre of forest in less than a single summer, blocking the sun from the plants it envelops. A large swath of the outer Black Shroud currently finds itself being slowly suffocated by the invasive weed.
Splendid Trillium Icon.png Splendid Trillium 275 Some Qitari will claim that this flower is an essential ingredient in their traditional adhesive formula, while others have the sneaking suspicion that it actually makes no difference whether it is included in the mixture or not. Nevertheless, it continues to be used to this day, as Qitari are content to comply with the teachings of the ancients, no matter how absurd they may be.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Turmeric Icon.png Splendid Turmeric 275 Through the work of masters in the ways of spice, this root of decidedly unremarkable appearance is transformed into a bright orange powder. This would make for a rather impressive magic trick, were it not for the fact the process takes several days to complete, which is somewhat longer than the attention span of the average audience.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Greenwattle Icon.png Splendid Greenwattle 275 Named for its likeness to the skin dangling from a chicken’s neck, only much greener.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Marimo Icon.png Splendid Marimo 275 While even the most scholarly of scholars struggle to identify exactly what this mysterious aquatic substance actually is, the Qitari have discovered it to be incredibly useful in the removal of unwanted odors. A few scrubs with a marimo produces a distinctive pond-like fragrance, which is many magnitudes more pleasant than what Qitari usually smell of, which does not bear description.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Spiritweed Root Icon.png Spiritweed Root 275 The underground portion of a ghastly-looking shrub, used in offerings to the god of death.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Serpent's-eye Icon.png Serpent’s-eye 275 A rare gemstone named for its resemblance to the watchful eye of a snake. Said to ward off evil.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Cumin Seeds Icon.png Cumin Seeds 276 A pungent spice that can be used in seed form, or ground into a powder, enhancing the aroma tenfold.
Kudzu Root Icon.png Kudzu Root 276 The root of the quick-growing kudzu vine is dug up and processed into kudzu powder which serves as a substitute for animal-based gelatins in Far Eastern desserts. It also is believed to exhibit healing properties, and can be found in most Hingan and Doman apothecaries.
Walker's Popoto Icon.png Walker’s Popoto 276 A variety of popoto bred by a botanist named Walker to withstand the harsh winds and rocky soil of southern La Noscea.
Doman Yellow Icon.png Doman Yellow 279 A soft, clay-like soil believed to be formed of compacted yellow dust carried on the wind from faraway lands.
Fennel Icon.png Fennel 279 With an aroma similar to licorice, both the stalks and the seeds of this Othardian herb can be used to enhance the flavor of exotic Far Eastern dishes.
Lotus Root Icon.png Lotus Root 279 Though they appear solid from the outside, the cylindrical root nodules of the lotus flower are riddled with holes, possibly to accommodate for the water-logged environments in which the plant grows.
Windtea Leaves Icon.png Windtea Leaves 279 When steeped in boiling water, the leaves of this rare perennial change color, turning a bright bluish green.
Daikon Radish Icon.png Daikon Radish 279 The spicy daikon radishes of Othard are known to grow as long and thick as a grown Hyur’s forearm.
Sun Cabbage Icon.png Sun Cabbage 279 The sweet, tightly packed leaves of Othardian sun cabbages are deceptively sweet, making them perfect in salads or stews.
Gyr Abanian Carrot Icon.png Gyr Abanian Carrot 279 Gyr Abanian carrots are not only longer, but a far deeper orange*nay, crimson*than those grown in central and western Eorzea.
Ruby Tide Kelp Icon.png Ruby Tide Kelp 282 A distant cousin of malm kelp, Ruby Tide kelp is harvested and dried in the sun to enhance flavor. Squares of the seaweed are cut and steeped in boiling water to create one of the savory broths used in Hingan cuisine.
Twincoon Icon.png Twincoon 285 A massive cocoon spun by not one, but multiple highland erucas.
Alyssum Icon.png Alyssum 285 This annual is coveted by perfumers for its honey-sweet aroma.
Nanoriso Icon.png Nanoriso 285 This light brown seaweed with spiked “leaves” is quite common in the seas off Hingashi, and collected and dried for use in cuisine.
Nagxian Cudweed Icon.png Nagxian Cudweed 285 Though recognized as a weed, this winter annual is edible and will oft be harvested in the late months for use in various Doman and Hingan dishes.
Jhammel Ginger Icon.png Jhammel Ginger 285 Jhammel ginger’s bulbous, aromatic roots can be sliced fresh and added to stews and seafood dishes to remove gaminess, ground and steeped in hot water to cure head colds, or dried and ground into a powder to use as a spice for breads and cookies.
Chickweed Icon.png Chickweed 285 Though recognized as a weed, this winter annual is edible and will oft be harvested in the late months for use in various Doman and Hingan dishes.
Yanxian Parsley Icon.png Yanxian Parsley 285 This Far Eastern perennial has a biting aroma that even many Othardians find off-putting.
Nipplewort Icon.png Nipplewort 288 Named for the protruding buds from which its bright-yellow flowers bloom, nipplewort is a common winter annual whose leaves are gathered for use in Othardian cuisine.
Doman Eggplant Icon.png Doman Eggplant 288 While just as brilliantly purple, this Far Eastern cousin of the wizard eggplant is noticeably thinner, and thus requires less time to cook.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 70-79
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Timeworn Gaganaskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Gaganaskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn gaganaskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 70 recommended.

Timeworn Gazelleskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Gazelleskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn gazelleskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 70 full party (eight players) recommended.

Young Cieldalaes Spinach Icon.png Young Cieldalaes Spinach 70 This bunch of Cieldalaes spinach has been picked young to reduce bitterness.
Dark Matter Cluster Icon.png Dark Matter Cluster 70 This substance of unknown origin has the faculty to assimilate with other forms of matter, effectively restoring them to their original condition. Pieces this large are quite rare.
Shroud Tea Leaves Icon.png Shroud Tea Leaves 70 Picked from plants that grow wild in the Black Shroud, these leaves are extremely bitter and are not ideal for brewing tea.
Waterfowl Feather Icon.png Waterfowl Feather 70 Unlike those of tree-dwelling cloudkin, waterfowl feathers are exceptional at trapping in heat while keeping out water.
La Noscean Leek Icon.png La Noscean Leek 70 A rare variety of leek, typically harvested young for a milder flavor.
Seventh Heaven Icon.png Seventh Heaven 160 A rare flower that has an elemental aspect tipped severely in the direction of astral.
Snurbleberry Icon.png Snurbleberry 160 This sweet, yet tart red berry is covered in tiny soft hairs that can be removed by lightly rubbing the fruit between one’s palms.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Vanilla Beans Icon.png Vanilla Beans 160 A sweet-smelling spice made from the dried pod of the rare vanilla plant. It is often used in the making confectionaries as well as medicines.
Rainbow Pigment Icon.png Rainbow Pigment 160 Extracted from natural sources, this colorful powder can be prepared to create an equally colorful dye.
Dravanian Paprika Icon.png Dravanian Paprika 160 A rare pepper that is more sweet than it is spicy.
Peaks Pigment Icon.png Peaks Pigment 180 Extracted from natural sources in the Gyr Abanian highlands, this clay-based substance can be dried and ground, then prepared with water and oil to create a colorful dye.
Yellow Kudzu Root Icon.png Yellow Kudzu Root 180 This variety of kudzu not only exhibits the curative properties of its more common cousin, it has been observed growing almost twice as fast. It has also been observed withering and dying twice as fast.
Whitefrost Cotton Boll Icon.png Whitefrost Cotton Boll 180 Despite their delicate appearance, the fibers of the whitefrost cotton flower are deceptively durable.
Lover's Laurel Icon.png Lover’s Laurel 200 A highly fragrant variety of laurel named for the goddess of the moon, Menphina.
Frost Cotton Boll Icon.png Frost Cotton Boll 210 A soft and fluffy variety of cotton named for its resemblance to morning hoarfrost.
Splendid Tarantula Icon.png Splendid Tarantula 275 The venom of this spider is splendid for concocting a potent poison.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Mugwort Icon.png Splendid Mugwort 290 Few would suspect that such an innocuous plant could be used in the production of explosives. Culinarians are investigating the connection between its combustive properties and claims that the consumption of mugwort causes indigestion.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Tree Bark Icon.png Splendid Tree Bark 290 The bark of a tree once barked at by a dog barking up the wrong tree.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Rhalgr's Streak Icon.png Rhalgr’s Streak 290 Also known as Rhalgr’s staff, this long-leafed medicinal herb is native to the highlands of Gyr Abania.
Serpent Pepper Icon.png Serpent Pepper 290 A pungent spice often used by the Night’s Blessed in preparing meals and medicines to warm the body.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Animal Trace Icon.png Animal Trace 290 Will this specimen yield a breakthrough in the search for the samiel* Only time and effort will tell…
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Vine Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Vine 290 Careless owners of high-walled castles in faerie tales often allow these to grow over said walls, thereby allowing dashing heroes to infiltrate the premises to steal jewels, damsels in distress, scones from the pantry, and so forth.
Splendid Stalk Icon.png Splendid Stalk 290 This hollow stalk makes the perfect flute, and produces sounds so splendid as to transport one to another world.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Grade 2 Skybuilders' Toad Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Toad 290 One skybuilder was heard to claim that to assign grades to living creatures is degrading. The response was, “No, taking the grade away from it would be called degrading.”
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Barbgrass Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Barbgrass 290 According to local legend, a night raid on a Temple Knights encampment was foiled when the assailants wandered into a patch of barbgrass. Nothing gives the game away quite like pained squeals of, “Oh, my poor bottom!”
Splendid Broombush Icon.png Splendid Broombush 290 To keep a place looking splendid, you must have tools equally as splendid. This broombush can be used to sweep away even the most stubborn dust.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Tarichuk Feather Icon.png Splendid Tarichuk Feather 290 Fortunately, the former owner was kind enough to molt this fine feather for you to collect without the need to resort to bloodshed, which may explain how it retains its natural splendidness.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Beehive Chip Icon.png Splendid Beehive Chip 300 The royal honey that can be scraped off this beehive chip can fortify the body and make splendid even the most downcast of spirits.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Earthworm Icon.png Splendid Earthworm 300 At first glance, this appears to be a common earthworm, but a closer look will reveal just how splendid it actually is.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Roots Icon.png Splendid Roots 300 These splendid roots can endure the harshest of stresses, making them well suited to the extreme conditions the Stewards oft find themselves in.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Amh Araeng Seasonings Icon.png Amh Araeng Seasonings 300 This selection of rare varieties of salt and spices native to Amh Araeng can be used to add a dash of elegance and a pinch of class to even the most unappetizing of dishes.
Boggy Bark Icon.png Boggy Bark 300 This slab of bark harvested from an ancient swampland tree is covered thick in verdant moss.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Curly Parsley Icon.png Curly Parsley 390 This fancifully frilly parsley has an unobtrusive flavor that makes it perfect for use in otherwise bland dishes or as a garnish.
Blood Tomato Icon.png Blood Tomato 390 The slight acidity of this bright tomato is guaranteed to whet one’s appetite, making it a longstanding favorite of tavern owners throughout Norvrandt.
Bright Flax Icon.png Bright Flax 390 This flowering plant, hardy enough to grow in harsh climes, has a stalk that can be used in the spinning of a naturally white yarn.
Clinquant Stones Icon.png Clinquant Stones 390 Every region of Norvrandt is, for some reason, blessed with an astonishing variety of glittering, shimmering, sparkling, and otherwise shiny stones. Il Mheg is no exception, as is amply demonstrated by these fine specimens.
Purple Carrot Icon.png Purple Carrot 390 A dark purple root vegetable with a reddish stalk, differing somewhat in vitamin content from the orange carrot.
Broad Beans Icon.png Broad Beans 395 These large, spring green beans are easy to cultivate, and have served as a staple food for millennia.
Iridescent Cocoon Icon.png Iridescent Cocoon 395 This worm-spun cocoon reflects a rainbow’s worth of colors in the light.
Garden Beet Icon.png Garden Beet 395 This common root vegetable doubles as a source of inexpensive sugar.
Animal Droppings Icon.png Animal Droppings 400 “A steaming, fly-ridden pile of excrement is a veritable repository of knowledge.”
Upland Wheat Icon.png Upland Wheat 400 This staple grain was grown at high elevation.
Pixie Floss Boll Icon.png Pixie Floss Boll 403 The brilliantly white flower of an unusual variety of cotton plant.
Peppermint Icon.png Peppermint 403 This refreshing herb is suitable for use in cooking, essential oils, and tea.
Creamtop Mushroom Icon.png Creamtop Mushroom 406 A bulbous white mushroom that grows wild in forests.
Ancient Animal Skin Icon.png Ancient Animal Skin 406 Shed by what is believed to be an ancient creature, this shred of skin may well shed light on the samiel.
Megafauna Leftovers Icon.png Megafauna Leftovers 406 Whatever bit into this plant part can only be described as massive.
Royal Grapes Icon.png Royal Grapes 406 The flavor of these cultivated grapes has been intensified using a special bacteria. Though unpleasant to eat whole, they are suitable for juicing and fermentation.
Russet Popoto Icon.png Russet Popoto 409 An easy-to-peel variety of popoto with thin skin and a high starch content.
White Clay Icon.png White Clay 409 Crumbly balls of white clay added to soil to improve both moisture retention and drainage.
Sweet Alyssum Icon.png Sweet Alyssum 409 This plant that blooms with myriad tiny flowers smelling of honey.
Sweet Marjoram Icon.png Sweet Marjoram 409 An herb cultivated for both its medicinal uses and pleasant fragrance.
Fernleaf Lavender Icon.png Fernleaf Lavender 412 A fragrant herb with notched leaves.
Mist Spinach Icon.png Mist Spinach 415 A highly nutritious, deep-green vegetable.
Dwarven Cotton Boll Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Boll 415 Flowers of the coincidentally short-stalked dwarven cotton plant are used by the people bearing the same name to create everything from undergarments to beards.
Bomba Rice Icon.png Bomba Rice 415 This short-grain rice is more absorbant than other varieties and does not clump together when cooked.
Lime Basil Icon.png Lime Basil 415 An herb that smells strongly of citrus.
Coffee Beans Icon.png Coffee Beans 415 Beans that, with some effort, will become grounds suitable for brewing fragrant coffee.
Megafauna Trace Icon.png Megafauna Trace 415 The possibility cannot be denied: something massive this way came.
Tiger Lily Icon.png Tiger Lily 418 A variety of tall-growing lily, the bulbs of which can be used in various medicines.
Light Gerbera Icon.png Light Gerbera 418 A type of gerbera named for its bright white flowers.
Bog Sage Icon.png Bog Sage 420 The azure flowers of this plant brighten the landscape when in bloom, but its true value is in its leaves.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 80-89
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Timeworn Zonureskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Zonureskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn zonureskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 80 full party (eight players) recommended.

Timeworn Gliderskin Map Icon.png Timeworn Gliderskin Map 40 This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn gliderskin map.

*Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
*Level 80 recommended.

Rosemary Icon.png Rosemary 90 A savory herb treasured for its ability to enhance focus and concentration.
Old World Fig Icon.png Old World Fig 115 A symbol of long life and femininity, this autumn fruit was originally brought from their homeland to Eorzea by the Sharlayans.
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Old World Fig Seeds Icon.png Old World Fig Seeds 115 Old World fig seeds suitable for garden cultivation.
Bloodhemp Icon.png Bloodhemp 255 A common grass found growing throughout Othard. From its stalks, bloodhempen yarn is created.
Gyr Abanian Wheat Icon.png Gyr Abanian Wheat 255 A close cousin to highland wheat, Gyr Abanian wheat has been improved by Ala Mhigan farmers over generations to increase both flavor and yield.
Splendid Nut Icon.png Splendid Nut 300 Nuts typically are not thought of as traps, but when they’re this splendid*and packed with arcane energy*their uses expand exponentially.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Splendid Hemp Icon.png Splendid Hemp 300 This hemp can be woven into splendid paper that can stand the test of time Qhoterl Pasol’s masterpiece will have to endure.

*Only for use in Qitari beast tribe quests.
*Not included in the gathering log.

Rhea Icon.png Rhea 300 A variety of ramie better suited to the climes of Far Eastern Othard.
Hallowed Basil Icon.png Hallowed Basil 300 An herb with an aroma so heavenly, the gods themselves must have blessed it (or so say merchants who would see you buy their stock).
Azim Cotton Boll Icon.png Azim Cotton Boll 300 The white of Azim cotton is so bright that some compare it to staring at the sun itself.
Airship Fitting Components Icon.png Airship Fitting Components 395 In the hands of an artisan, these bits and pieces gathered from around Kholusia will eventually become the decorations used to adorn Eulmore’s fleet of airships. In fact, it took another sort of artisan to even find them in the first place, having been forced to separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff in some of the island’s most perilous locations.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Wheat Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Wheat 430 There is a possibility that some grade 1 wheat slipped in by mistake.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Cotton Boll Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Cotton Boll 430 One of the skybuilder’s children asked, “Is this what sheep are made from*” The answer was a resounding, “I’m not sure. Possibly.”
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Adder Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Adder 430 Venomous, but not fatally so. Perfect for practical jokes and party tricks.
Black Aethersand Icon.png Black Aethersand 430 This aetherially charged sand is a key ingredient in the preparation of glamour dispeller.
Imperial Fern Icon.png Imperial Fern 480 Presumably named by one of history’s many oppressed lower classes, this fern’s appellation cannot but refer to the pretentious way in which it curls.
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Earthcap Icon.png Grade 2 Skybuilders’ Umbral Earthcap 480 Charged with aether drawn from the earth. In actual fact, most mushrooms possess some earth-aspected aether, but this particular species is especially greedy.Can only be gathered during an umbral duststorm.
Duskblooms Icon.png Duskblooms 480 A flowering plant with tiny purple blooms.
Harvesting Log: Livelli 90-99
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Noble Sage Icon.png Noble Sage 250 A fragrant herb used in medicines, perfumes, and cooking. Its deep blue flowers set it apart from its cousin, clary sage.
Star Cotton Boll Icon.png Star Cotton Boll 250 A rare variety of cotton which produces nitid fibers that, when struck by light, coruscate like the very stars in the heavens.
Hingan Flax Icon.png Hingan Flax 320 A distant cousin to the flax found in the highlands of Coerthas, the stalk of this fibrous plant is used to create a yarn known in Hingashi as “true linen.”
Yanxian Verbena Icon.png Yanxian Verbena 340 A hearty plant that can proliferate on nearly any surface, including tree trunks. Its leaves release a pleasant scent when touched.
Night Pepper Icon.png Night Pepper 385 A dark aromatic spice used in cooking as well as pickling.
Oddly Specific Fossil Dust Icon.png Oddly Specific Fossil Dust 430 Whether naturalists would wholly approve of the Skysteel Manufactory’s appropriation of microfossil-rich powder for industrial purposes is a matter probably best not raised in company of said naturalists, as to do so would likely bring about swift confiscation.
Oddly Specific Latex Icon.png Oddly Specific Latex 430 It is a relatively simple matter for a skilled botanist to collect latex from a specified plant in a specified vessel by specified means. Excruciating, yes, but simple.
Ethereal Cocoon Icon.png Ethereal Cocoon 450 As difficult to lay hands upon as bubbles on the water, from these cocoons can be spun a rare type of silk.
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cotton Boll Icon.png Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders’ Cotton Boll 480 To the untrained eye, this may appear to be no different from any other cotton boll. Those with trained eyes, however, will notice that it is pink, not the usual white.
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Dawn Lizard Icon.png Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders’ Dawn Lizard 480 Those wondering what separates this from a non-artisanal dawn lizard need only observe the way it devours its prey. For a carnivorous, slavering scalekin, it has the most impeccable table manners, or more precisely, “blood-spattered patch of ground manners.”
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Wheat Icon.png Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders’ Wheat 480 What about this wheat makes it artisanal* Those in the know claim it is massaged daily and fed beer, which is the reason for the delicious marbled texture. Or perhaps they were talking about some sort of cow?
Harvesting Log: Livelli 100-109
  Nome Livello Descrizione in game
Levin Mint Icon.png Levin Mint 1 The pink leaves of this peculiar mint thrum gently with lightning energy.
Yanxian Cotton Boll Icon.png Yanxian Cotton Boll 340 These whimsical cotton flowers, found only in Yanxia, glimmer faintly like stars in the night.
Oddly Specific Amber Icon.png Oddly Specific Amber 430 A hunk of fossilized resin of very particular hue, clarity, and age.
Oddly Specific Bauble Icon.png Oddly Specific Bauble 430 Given the detailed nature of their request, one would think that the Skysteel engineers ought to have been able to come up with a more precise means of referring to this so-called “bauble.”
Imperial Fern Icon.png Imperial Fern 480 Presumably named by one of history’s many oppressed lower classes, this fern’s appellation cannot but refer to the pretentious way in which it curls.
Tender Dill Icon.png Tender Dill 490 A small variety of dill characterized by its sweet fragrance. Finds use in both medicinal and culinary applications.
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Vine Icon.png Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders’ Vine 510 The artisanal vines that are chosen for the Firmament tend to stand out from the common-or-garden varieties. One could say they are vine for attention.Used in expert crafting recipes.
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Tortoise Icon.png Grade 3 Skybuilders’ Umbral Tortoise 510 In addition to its craggy hide and shell protecting it from the teeth and claws of predators, the earth-aspected aether with which it is infused causes it to taste like soil. Any creatures patient and strong enough to reach the tender meat inside are invariably left disappointed.Can only be gathered during an umbral duststorm.

Used in expert crafting recipes.